September 17, 2010

Golden goodness a.k.a. theatre popcorn

It's the smell. That smoky, buttery smell that permeates the entire place. The calorie-laden, diet-busting, throw-out-all-the-benefits-of-eating-salad-for-five-days-straight treat, which I will describe as golden goodness that can only be found at movie theatres: theatre popcorn.

I know it's not the healthiest snack out there. And while there is no nutritional information available anywhere, it's pretty safe to say that a medium (okay, fine, large) bag of single (or double) buttered bag of popcorn is at least 800 calories - WAY more than I should ever consume in one sitting.  

(In an effort to save a few dollars during my student days, I once brought a bag of microwave popcorn to a theatre. It was NOT the same. While bringing in Kernels Popcorn can be a yummy and healthier substitute - it's still lacking somehow).

There's something so sinfully indulgent about theatre popcorn. Watching a movie without having popcorn is like going to a barbecue and only having a green salad. While it's been done (even by me), it's just not right somehow. Popcorn completes the cinematic experience.

A friend - let's call her J - and I are big fans of theatre popcorn. Actually, the way I go at popcorn is almost unladylike (I won't speak on behalf of J). I don't understand how people can eat popcorn and not get it all over themselves. I don't exactly jump into the bag, but it still manages to get everywhere. Even if I eat it one kernel at a time. (This adds to the cinematic experience).

Okay - I'm the first to admit that it's disgusting and leaves an oily film on your hand that won't go away without a proper shower. But when it's hot, fresh and fully buttered, it's almost irresistible. Almost.

(And for the record, I didn't have any popcorn tonight.)

September 5, 2010

Partners for life - ham and cheese

Mmmm....ham and cheese...Turner and Hootch, peanut butter and jam...the perfect partners in crime. Sure, egg, mushroom and mustard join the party occasionally, and it can be nice to have junior sidekicks, but ham and cheese are forever. Especially when cheese has melted and draped all over ham.  

Be it a panini, whole wheat bread, or baked Hong Kong style with cream and rice, ham and cheese are the perfect pair.

Now, I understand that ham and cheese can be too overwhelming (salty) when served on their own. But they are always the main show, the main feature.  They are the reason why rice, bread and rice welcome additions.

A few weeks ago, I had a chance to catch up with ham and cheese over breakfast with my cousins. Ham and cheese were disguised in a gummy (Cora's) crêpe. Egg and ketchup were also there.

The crêpe was okay, the egg was good, but the ham and cheese?  Divine.