I believe ketchup is one of human kind's greatest culinary inventions. Its flavours are simple (sweet, sour and salty), but it's versatile enough to stand up to many different foods. I myself am a fan of ketchup on eggs, but am also partial to ketchup on fries (really, a no-brainer), ketchup on bread (it used to be a favourite after school snack) and ketchup on chicken. And a friend recently introduced me to ketchup on pizza (which, may seem redundant, somehow works.)
As I was enjoying my pizza and ketchup, I started to think about the origin of ketchup. It was then I decided to take a trip to Wikipedia. Some of the more interesting things I learned:
- Ketchup was categorized by the U.S.' FDA as a SMOOTHIE (EW)
- Ketchup is good for you: it contains the anti-oxidant lycopene, which has been proven to prevent prostate and colon cancers (yay!)
- Ketchup is bad for you: one teaspoon is roughly 10 per cent of an adults recommended sodium intake (*sigh*)
On my trip, I made a detour to Heinz's web site and found a recipe for ketchup peanut butter cookies. Hmm...ketchup and peanut butter, eh? Could be the next rage...or maybe ketchup cake (stay-tuned for how these culinary experiments turn out).