Mmmm....ham and cheese...Turner and Hootch, peanut butter and jam...the perfect partners in crime. Sure, egg, mushroom and mustard join the party occasionally, and it can be nice to have junior sidekicks, but ham and cheese are forever. Especially when cheese has melted and draped all over ham.
Be it a panini, whole wheat bread, or baked Hong Kong style with cream and rice, ham and cheese are the perfect pair.
Now, I understand that ham and cheese can be too overwhelming (salty) when served on their own. But they are always the main show, the main feature. They are the reason why rice, bread and rice welcome additions.
A few weeks ago, I had a chance to catch up with ham and cheese over breakfast with my cousins. Ham and cheese were disguised in a gummy (Cora's) crêpe. Egg and ketchup were also there.
The crêpe was okay, the egg was good, but the ham and cheese? Divine.