January 30, 2012

The problem with people who care...

...is that sometimes they do things to torture you. It's no secret that I've given up potato chips (and by extension, Cheetos, Ringalos and other yummy treats) for a year. It'll be exactly 3 months on February 1.

So far, it's been easy. Why?

Because people - like my colleagues at work - tend to be considerate of the fact that I have given up something amazing for a year. They applaud my willpower and cheer me on. They also sometimes feel guilty about the fact that they are eating chips right in front of me.  Believe me - I appreciate this thoughtfulness.

Enter J (who has been a bit of a tornado in my life), who also loves chips and Cheetos. And who, not too long ago, was torturing me with a FRESH bag of Cheetos. Not only was there savouring, there was also a description of how yummy those sticks of cheesy orangy goodness are. And how they melt in your mouth.

Like a pesky fly buzzing in my ear.

So what did I do in retaliation? I had a hunk of cheese, a plum, spaghetti and a piece of chocolate (okay, 2 pieces of chocolate). Come to think of it, in order to curb my craving for Cheetos (which J offered to share not out of love, but out of pure enjoyment of watching me suffer), I consumed waaaaay more calories than I would've had I actually eaten the damn things.

As I write this, I can hear the crinkling of the packaging, as he consumes yet another piece of buttery goodness.

*Sigh*...T-9 months to go...maybe I should invest in a flyswatter.