September 16, 2011

Boylan Diet Cream Soda

I recently had a wisdom tooth removed (yep, 1 tooth since the other one isn't ready yet...which means I'll have to suffer all over again), so eating solid foods has been a literal pain. Therefore it's fitting that while I'm unable unable to eat solids, I stumbled across a drink by Boylan Bottling Company - Diet Creme.

Boylan makes gourmet soda pops. Each serving comes in its own vintage looking glass bottle - which adds to the entire soda pop experience. That's right - soda pop - not just pop.

Diet Creme tastes like cream soda with sugar, which is incredible to me. I favour diet pop since sugar pop messes with my system, so I'm used to the chemically tastes of aspartame, giving it a fake - and sometimes, a not-so-yummy aftertaste. But this...THIS tastes real (and it has 0 calories - another bonus!)

Diet Creme - the taste, the bottle...the entire thing demands that you slow down and savour this drink.

While it's not something I can have often (at $2.02 tax included from Pusateri's it`s nearly double the price of regular pop), this is definitely a once in awhile treat. A deliciously refreshing treat :)

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